Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Imagination

Ok so for school I have to read a book over the summer, I was not exited I have to read "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. So I found a way to make it easier! If you want to you can use this too! What I did was I took my favorite book ("The Mysterious Benedict Society" by Trenton Lee Stewart) and found a character who didn't have a big role (in this case it was a big clumsy man named SQ Pedallion) and thought of the story teller as him. Since the narrater was an eleven year old boy I made it SQ's childhood! It is making it a lot easier to read and it seems lie it would actually work with the other book. Well only if you have a good enough imagination! Well if you ever want to try doing that be my guest. Just make sure that you tell me how the book was! Well have a Great day!
Brooklyn Joelle

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